All posts by Ma

Inspiring …

Today we went to the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. We heard a ranger give a talk about Orville and Wilbur … and then got to stand on the exact spot where they successfully flew for the first time. Truly inspiring!


Also visited the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, or as Jay called it, the zebra lighthouse. Andy and Becca climbed the 248 steps to the top – an impressive feat, as it is the tallest brick lighthouse in North America. Jay was not yet tall enough to go inside, so he and I explored the grounds (a fire hydrant and a rocking chair were the highlights for him).


Back at camp, Becca found a kindred spirit … so we did not see much of her, as she and her new friend kept busy playing in the dunes, discussing books, etc.

Road Trip

This week we took a road trip, from our road trip ….

We parked the RV in Eastpoint, Florida and parked Mr Bear nearby at Penelope’s Pet Stop. The Jetta was loaded with our ragtag assortment of warm clothes, and we made the long drive to New York for my nephew Ben’s Bar Mitzvah. The first night we stopped in Atlanta, where we had a nice overnight visit with Nancy (we slept in Michael’s bedroom, which is about four times bigger than our entire RV). The second night we stayed at a very dumpy hotel in Ashland, Virginia (Andy is happy to give all the details about the cheap dump I “made” us stay in.). And on day three we arrived at Grandma’s house, in very, very cold Connecticut.

beautiful bridge. ugly traffic.
beautiful bridge. ugly traffic.

The visit with Grandma was nice and relaxing, and the kids enjoyed the SIX inches of snow (the grownups less so). We all went to Shabbat dinner on Friday night and then services and the party on Saturday. At the party Becca made some friends and ate obscene amounts of chocolate. Jay missed his nap, and ran around collecting balloons and trying to play basketball with the big kids.

not in Florida anymore ..
not in Florida anymore …
Bar Mitzvah Party Silliness.
Bar Mitzvah Party Silliness.

Barney was a very well behaved guest. He stayed close to us when we were home, and napped in his crate when we went out. On his walks he desperately searched for bit of grass, before finally giving up and doing his business on the snow

The return trip was long, yet uneventful. Night one in Statesville, North Carolina. Night two back at Nancy’s in Atlanta. And on day three we arrived back in Florida where we picked up the RV and Mr. Bear, and headed to the beach for the week.

Though it was a lovely visit with family, it is nice to be back to our little home. And it is very nice to be back to the warm temps!

this is more like it!!
this is more like it!!

Keep On, Keepin’ On ….

As we begin our ninth month on the road, none of us want to think about our adventure ending in just five short months. Furthermore, we really want to explore the Pacific Northwest …. and after endlessly poring over maps, know it would not be possible if we were to return to Tucson August 1, as scheduled.

So ….. we have extended our trip by four months!! We will return to Tucson December 2015. The tenants signed a lease extension. School has been notified, so that Becca will return for the second half of sixth grade. And all the other people helping us out (our awesome mail carrier, my fantastic sister, our great friends P & B) have agreed to keep on keepin’ on until December …