All posts by Ma

3 … 2 … 1 … no blastoff

We got up at four this morning to make the ninety mile drive to Cape Canaveral to watch the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, headed to the International Space Station.

We were able to see the rocket standing in the distance and all was looking good for take off …. clear skies, systems ready. It was so exciting … I literally had goosebumps.

And then, at T – 01:22 (one minute, twenty-two seconds before blastoff) the launch was aborted. Apparently there was a problem with the second stage thrust vector control actuator (huh?).

We will continue to monitor the launch schedule and try to see a launch before we leave the Space Coast ….

Art Education

In an attempt to expose the kids to some contemporary art, we visited the sculpture garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art.

This was one of the sculptures we saw …

"those are their tushies where the poop comes out."

Little kid pointed at it and said, “that’s the tushie where the poop comes out” ….

On a classier note, here is a sweet family photo …



The Big Easy

I love New Orleans! Spent a super fun day exploring the city. It is a great city to explore on foot; and the people are laid back and welcoming.

We visited two parks (City Park and Audubon); rode the street car to the French Quarter, where we wandered around Jackson Square looking at the local artists and fortune tellers; strolled along the Mississippi; walked down Royal Street, where we enjoyed the street musicians; made our way down Bourbon Street (which was not so family friendly :)); took another street car to the Garden District, where we gawked at the enormous homes; wandered around Carrolton, where we saw Tulane and a craft fair; and finally took a bus back to the car.

jamming on Rue Royale
jamming on Rue Royale
Jackson Square
Jackson Square

And, since a trip to NOLA would not be complete without beignets, we had a yummy snack before heading back across the river to our campground…

yummy beignets
yummy beignets

I Scream. You Scream.

This morning, before leaving Texas, we visited the Blue Bell Creameries in Brenham.  We  toured the production facility, where we got to see lots and lots of ice cream products (pints, gallons, popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, etc.) being made and packaged. At the end of the tour, we each enjoyed a scoop – vanilla for Jay, caramel turtle fudge for Bex, cookies and cream for Andy, and sea salt caramel for me … yum!!
