All posts by Ma


A busy, fun – and cold – week:

Lots of parks and picnics;

A nice visit with Pa’s friends from college;

A fun visit to Petroglyphs NationalMonument, where both Big Kid and I became rangers and we did a family hike to see petroglyphs;IMG_5378

A great day at Explora – Albuquerque’s fantastic children’s museum;



And, a fantastic day at the zoo, where we saw elephants  playing with tires, a baby gibbon trying to stand up, and my favorite, a mama chimp with her two-week old twins!! Amazing!! We also saw another chimp (how to put this delicately …) recycling its waste.




We all had tons of fun trick-or-treating on Tusher Street in Moab.  There must have been more than 700 other witches, lions, princesses, vampires, etc., etc.  also collecting huge amounts of candy …. which is pretty crazy for a town of just 5000 people!

