Came for the Cheese, Stayed for the Beach

Since we love Tillamook Cheese, of course we had to visit the factory in Tillamook, Oregon. It was cool to see where our cheese is made. We saw the cheese being pushed through a machine that put a wrapper on it, and another machine (“with blue spinning pipes!” says Little Kid) that sealed the wrappers. We had a very cheesy lunch at the cheese factory (grilled cheese and mac and cheese), and of course, for dessert, we ate delicious ice cream, which they also make there.



The cheese making
The cheese making

The cheese factory was fun, but we spent most of our time at the beach in front of our campground, Cape Lookout State Park. The beach was very wide and long. The giant waves tossed huge jellyfish and broken sand dollars up onto the sand. We played Kadima and Frisbee, and Little Kid had fun digging and pouring sand. I also had fun throwing my boomerang.

Kelp jump roping
Kelp jump roping






Friends and Falls

We stopped in the town of Silverton for a few days to visit Emma and Claire, my friends from Tucson who had moved to Oregon. We had dinner at their house, and I had fun playing with them. We jumped on their trampoline, ate Halloween candy, and played games.


The next day, while Emma and Claire were at school, we went on a hike in Silver Falls State Park, where we were staying. The trail went behind two waterfalls. It was amazing!

The view from behind the falls
Can you find me?
Can you find me?


That afternoon, Emma and Claire came over to the RV after school. I showed them the RV, and we played Uno, and of course, we ate more Halloween candy.

Double Halloween


Because there was going to be tons of rain on the coast, where we had planned to trick or treat, we did some research and found a city called The Dalles (Yes, the The is part of the name), located in the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountains. We decided to celebrate Halloween there because we didn’t want to trick or treat in pouring rain.

Because trick or treating is so much fun, we decided to do it twice. The day before Halloween, the stores in downtown The Dalles gave out candy. So Little Kid and I put on our costumes and joined the fun.



When we went trick or treating downtown, I wore a witch costume with a hat, and wig, but it was so windy that I spent half my time trying to keep my hat on. So, on Halloween, I put on the hood from my cape. The hood had a part that went over my face.

On Halloween, we found a neighborhood to trick or treat in. We got lots of candy, and had tons of fun.



Heaven …


If there is a heaven, I imagine it looks something like Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon. The world’s largest independent bookstore is a city block, with four stories. When we arrived we grabbed a map of the store … and then spent several hours exploring! The four of us each found something irresistible – and left with two shopping bags filled to the top with books.


The rest of the afternoon we spent wandering downtown, seeing the usual tourist spots … Pioneer Square, the waterfront, the beautiful library, the cultural area, etc., etc.

as we suspected ...
as we suspected …
"Does this statue move?!"
“Does this statue move?!”
waterfront cuteness …

As far as cities go, Portland is great … but we are all ready to return to country life!

Ape Cave

While we camping near Portland, we drove to a lava tube called Ape Cave on the south side of Mount St. Helens. It was raining when we got there, but we thought that we would be dry in the cave. We were totally wrong! The cave was dripping wet, and we were soaked! We all walked through the easy part of the cave until Little Kid got cold. Then, Ma and Little Kid headed back to the car while Pa and I went through the hard part of the cave to the other entrance. We had to scramble over huge piles of rocks. One time, we had to climb an eight foot boulder on a tiny “ladder”. Once we finally got out of the cave, we began the long drive back to our campsite.

Because it was dark in the cave, we didn’t get many pictures.

Inside the cave looking out
