Road Scholar

Right now we are in the lovely Florida Keys, which I will write about later. Now I am going to write about road schooling, which everybody asks about. First of all, I don’t have summer break. Instead, I work for three weeks, and then have one week off, year round. For my work, every week I do four lessons in a math workbook called Saxon. I also work in a Grammar and Literature (now known as “gramiture”) workbook, and I do a few different reading comprehension worksheets from my school in Tucson. I also write weekly blog posts and write summaries for every book I read.

Okay, by now you have probably noticed that everything I have mentioned is either a workbook or a worksheet, so I better explain that Ma and Pa don’t sit down and teach. Instead, I do work on my own, mostly during Little Kid’s nap. I can do any work when ever I like, but I have to finish all my weekly work before Friday night. Ma and Pa check it, and I correct anything I got wrong. I also have to finish any extra work for that week before Friday night. That extra work is things relating to where we are, such as Junior Ranger activities (in national/state parks), and books about the area.

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