Saint Andrews

We all loved Saint Andrews State Park, near Panama City Beach. The campground was on a lagoon, and we went to the Gulf of Mexico beach every day. There was a huge sandy beach, and a jetty where Little Kid and I could wade without being knocked down by waves. The beach was so awesome that we had a picnic on it one night. When we were almost done eating, some seagulls noticed our food. We spent the rest of the time chasing away the seagulls. Little Kid ran around screaming and chasing the seagulls. He was probably very excited to see us going crazy. We were walking back to the car when Ma said, “There is something diving out there. ” I looked over and saw a fin come up. “Dolphin!” Ma and I yelled at the same time. We watched it come up and dive down until the dolphin disappeared in the fog. It was so peaceful, yet so amazing. The fog was so thick that it looked like a fairyland.



One day, we hiked down a little peninsula called Sandy Point. On the way, we met some very friendly deer. The first one was standing right on the edge of the trail. We walked right past her, but she didn’t move. A little later, we turned around and saw the same deer walking down the trail behind us. When we stopped, the deer came up to us sniffing around. More deer came, all very close to us. One actually touched my hand with it’s nose!

Another day at the beach, we found some steep dunes to jump off of. I made up a game where Ma threw the frisbee to me when I jumped off the dune, and I tried to catch it in mid-air. We played this game and other dune jumping games every time we went to the beach. One day, I met some kids, and we collected hermit crabs together. The biggest hermit crab was bold enough to pinch one of the kids!



Bury Big Kid!
Bury Big Kid!

When our nine days at Saint Andrews were over, we went to another beach called Saint Joseph.

2 thoughts on “Saint Andrews

  1. HI guys. Sorry it has been forever since we have posted. We have a lot of reading to catch up on. Sounds like you guys are still having a blast. Where will you be over Passover around April 6? We have a few days off w/kids so had the idea to come visit with you (I know, we are not that adventurous and it won’t happen, but let me know anyhow where you’ll be!)

  2. Hi Becca it’s me Britney looks like you are having lots of fun see you soon!

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