Visiting family in Baltimore

After DC we drove up to Baltimore to visit with my aunt, uncle and cousins. We stayed with my cousin Tom and his wife Jen, who have a little rural homestead tucked in the bottom of a wooded valley a quarter mile from a major commercial boulevard. They have a huge garden, chickens, a pond filled with supersized frogs, and lots and lots of cats. Needless to say the kids loved staying there, and Big Kid chipped in with the chores by pulling weeds in the garden and painting. On Saturday night Big Kid built a fire and we had a family get together with my aunt and uncle, cousins, and their children. The first words out of my aunt’s mouth when she saw me was “you look like a hippy!” which was understandable given that I haven’t had a haircut in a year. It was great to see everyone again and catch up. The next day the reunion continued at my cousin Sandy’s house where we had more great company and great food.

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