
We spent a few days in the Berkshire Mountains. We had fun walking around the nearby towns of Lee and Lenox.

Lenox Lunatics
I just want a drink!
I just want a drink!

One day, we hiked down the Appalachian Trail to meet Pa’s college friend, Joel, who was leading a student backpacking trip. We hiked with the rest of Joel’s family. I had fun playing tag and other games with Joel’s kids. One of the students started the fire with flint and steel, and Ma decided that starting a fire without matches would be my new challenge.


One day, we drove up to Amherst to see Pa’s grandparents’ farm, that he visited often as a child. We took the long way there, stopping in Shelburn Falls and Montague. In Shelburn, we saw the glacial potholes, which were really cool. We also saw the bridge of flowers, a huge walking bridge covered with plants. Of course Little Kid, our little Ferdinand, loved the bridge. Then we went to the Montague Book Mill, whose motto is “books you don’t need in a place you can’t find.” We spent a long time reading in the bookstore, which was awesome. I bought a cool book. Afterwards, we drove on to Amherst. I liked the farm.

The potholes
The potholes
At the book mill
The farm
The farm

The night before we left Lee, it was so hot that we left every single window open, but when we got to Vermont, we were getting out all our fleece.

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