First Stop on the Rock


The ferry ride over to Newfoundland was almost seven hours, but it was very pretty. Well, it was pretty until the fog came in and then we couldn’t see anything.

approaching the rock!
approaching the rock!

After the ferry, we drove to a little town named King’s Point and spent about four nights there. There were three big icebergs in the inlet, and they were all beautiful.

We spent one day at Nicky’s Nose Beach (weirdest name ever), right by a few different icebergs. A few little pieces of ice (called bergy bits) had broken off and I actually swam out to one piece twice. I was so cold afterwards that the cold stream there actually felt warm. My swim really woke me up though!

One day we walked to Rattling Brook Falls, which were very pretty. The top part of the trail was closed because of a rockslide, so we hung out at the stream for awhile. There were a lot of rocks, and I crossed the stream and explored around. Ma even went swimming! In the afternoon, we hiked the Alexander Murray trail. It had a lot of steps – 2200 to be exact! I gave Little Kid a lot of piggy back rides along the way, and I was exhausted afterwards.


Crossing the stream
Crossing the stream
Steps, steps, steps…
Steps, steps, steps…
…and more steps
…and more steps

Another day we hiked a very pretty trail along the cliffs. The water was very clear. When we got to the end and saw there was no way down to the beach, we had a picnic lunch before heading back to the car and driving to a different beach. At the beach, I started building a house in the cliffs before I got bored and threw the logs down to make a raft instead. I was amazed when the raft actually floated, and I went exploring our little cove by boat. I didn’t go far from shore because I didn’t trust my paddle, which was really just a long stick I used to push myself.

Testing out the raft
Testing out the raft

In King’s Point we also had fun chatting with locals, checking out a humpback whale skeleton, and eating partridge pie.

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