Puffins, and Whales, and Root Cellars, Oh My!


We stayed in Elliston, the root cellar capital of the world, right near a puffin colony. The puffins were adorable, and very curious. Sometimes they would fly from the little island that they lived on to the mainland, and sit a few feet away from us. They would look at us with their cute little faces, like they were wondering what the heck we were, and then go back to their normal business. I loved when they would land by flying, hovering for a few seconds, and then dropping straight down onto the rock.



Along with the puffins, there was the puffin festival right in the campground. We all loved the music, especially Little Kid. There were also lots of fun games, and one of them was led by a Member of Parliament. He was very funny. When he asked who was from outside Newfoundland, Ma and I were the only ones. He asked where we were from, and he was pretty surprised when I said Arizona. I was called up on stage to do the “puffin dance” with him and another Member of Parliament.

Doing the puffin dance
Doing the puffin dance

There were also tons of root cellars, and Little Kid and I had a lot of fun playing in them. In the tiny town of Elliston, there were over 150 of them!

Hello there!
Hello there!
The view from inside the cellars
The view from inside the cellars

When we were at the lighthouse in nearby Bonavista, we saw a whole pod of whales. One of them jumped completely out of the water!

There are whales out there
There are whales out there!

On our way out of town, we stopped in another town named Trinity. There was an old forge that was still being used, and we spent a long time watching them black smithing. It was very cool. Pa also started chatting with a sailing couple, and before we knew it, we were helping them get to the fueling dock.

Black smithing!
Black smithing

I am definitely going to miss seeing puffins everyday, but there is cool stuff ahead!

Chilling on the spongy ground
Chilling on the spongy ground

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