Came for the Vikings, Stayed for the Whales

We spent almost six hours driving up to L’Anse aux Meadows, at the northern tip of Newfoundland, but the drive was worth it. On our first day we went hiking on a little point of land. There were no plants, except for in the weird craters that were filled with shrubs. Even though there was not much life on land, there was plenty in the water. When we hiked to a huge beautiful sea cave, we saw a ton of whales out on the ocean slapping their tails and fins. It was so cool! It sounded like a huge drum beating. Then we saw what the whales were after: a huge school of capelin, a small fish that whales eat, was near shore. Man, I wish I had brought my net! Another day, we saw a whale jumping completely out of the water.







me with a crab I caught
me with a crab I caught

We would have been happy to watch the whales every day, but we decided that we had to go to L’Anse aux Meadows park, which is what we had driven to the Northern Peninsula for. L’Anse aux Meadows was a Viking settlement in the 1000s. Yes, you heard me right. Vikings were the first Europeans on North America. There was a reconstructed Viking house, and Little Kid and I had fun dressing up in Viking clothes and trying to hold a sword and shield.

little kid and I as vikings
little kid and I as vikings


One day, we were hiking along a road in a town named Goose Cove when some people named Gordon and Mary invited us into their house for tea. After chatting for awhile, they gave us a tour of the small house where Gordon had grown up with ten other kids. The ceilings were very low: they used to entertain themselves by trying to kick the beams. The bedrooms on the second floor had even lower ceilings. They were so short that Pa couldn’t stand up in them. Gordon was 63, and he told us that when he was a kid they had no roads, no electricity, and used a dog sled to get around in the winter. They also had an accordion that Little Kid and I got to play.

capelin drying in the sun
capelin drying in the sun

2 thoughts on “Came for the Vikings, Stayed for the Whales

  1. Nice writing Becca and I enjoyed the photos. Very cute.

    Someone has a birthday coming up soon!!!

  2. Becca,
    this will be my last reply to a 10 year old. Next reply will be to my beautiful 11 year old granddaughter! Where will you celebrate? Sounds like that will have to be determined due to some tire snafu.
    Loved the photos that went along with the blog post about the whales and vikings.
    Love and kisses,

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