… But Then Our Tire Blew!

Yep. We were driving down the highway when we heard a weird noise, and we pulled over to investigate. Pa checked the tires, and he discovered one of the four back tires was flat. Well, that is why it is nice to have a car with you. We drove in the Jetta to a campground, and started to ask the people there if there was a phone, but then we remembered that we were in Quebec: they didn’t speak word of English. Fortunately, there was one person who spoke English, and he got us a phone to call our roadside service. The roadside service sent a tow truck to us, but it was too short for the RV. The driver of the tow truck left, and said that he would come back with a bigger tow truck. But… he didn’t.


Not far from where the RV was parked was an overgrown pullout. So Pa and I got out the saw and started sawing down bushes. Pretty soon, we had a spot to park the RV, and we pulled right in. Ma and Pa called it a buggy hell, but I called it an awesome wilderness adventure. Okay, the bugs were a bit bad, but I still liked it.

Parked in the bushes
Parked in the bushes
Preparing to go outside
Preparing to go outside

Because our flat tire happened on a Saturday, we had to wait until Monday to look for a tire shop. The first place we went to said they could have the tire in five days, but we did not want to wait that long, so we moved on. The next tire shop didn’t have our tire and they sent us to another tire shop that didn’t have it either… after a long wild goose chase, we finally found a place that said they could have our tire the next day. They told us it was okay to drive very slowly on our remaining five good tires, so we drove the 37 miles into town with an average speed of 18 miles per hour. We spent the night at a Walmart, and the next day we got a new tire.

We made it to the end! (Minus one tire)
We made it to the end! (Minus one tire)

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