La Malbaie

When we decided to leave Newfoundland via the Trans-Labrador highway I realized that our route would take us through the town in Quebec where my sister and her family spend time every summer. I wrote my sister, and sure enough it turned out that they would be arriving in La Malbaie exactly when we expected to get there.

When we got to La Malbaie Big Kid and Little Kid had a great time playing with their cousin Petey while the the grownups caught up. Little Kid, who really loves music, was fascinated by Uncle Austin’s guitar playing, and got to play some guitar himself. Big Kid and Petey spent a long time sword fighting with sticks, miraculously without any injuries!


The next day my sister suggested we go to a waterfall on the banks of the St. Lawrence River that had a natural waterslide. Big Kid went down the waterslide first, and loved it. Then Petey and Uncle Austin went together, then Little Kid went with his big sister. Little Kid was cackling with glee the whole way down, but when he hit the pool of ice water at the bottom he burst into tears. Despite that, he asked to go two more times, and each time he had a blast until he got to the bottom and burst into tears. The kids seemed to be having so much fun that both I and Ma took a few runs each. Big Kid and Petey rounded out the afternoon with a epic mud fight down on the tidal flats.





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