
We spent some time on Bainbridge Island. Our campground was right on Puget Sound, and we could see the twinkling lights of Seattle across the sound. We could also see snow capped Mount Rainier in the distance. Our campsite was right across the street from a playground, and we spent a lot of time playing there.

One day, we took the ferry to Seattle. We had an awesome time exploring Pike’s Market. We went to the gum wall, which is a wall covered with wads of chewed gum at the market. It was disgusting! Then, we wandered around the market for awhile. We went to a sea food stand where whenever a fish was ordered, the clerk and the man standing by the fish would throw the fish that had been ordered back forth. At another sea food stand, they sold octopuses! When we were leaving the market, a statue reached out and touched me! I realized that it was a person dressed up as a statue. Little Kid was a little freaked out, but after about five minutes, he gave the statue knucks.



Flying fish
Flying fish



The next day, we went to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. It was very cool! There were so many hands on things! I think Little Kid’s favorite was the water shooters and the water table. I don’t have a favorite, but I liked the wheel that you could run inside, like a hamster wheel. We also saw these adorable little animals called naked mole rats. So, so, cute!

The hamster wheel
The hamster wheel



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