Came for the Cheese, Stayed for the Beach

Since we love Tillamook Cheese, of course we had to visit the factory in Tillamook, Oregon. It was cool to see where our cheese is made. We saw the cheese being pushed through a machine that put a wrapper on it, and another machine (“with blue spinning pipes!” says Little Kid) that sealed the wrappers. We had a very cheesy lunch at the cheese factory (grilled cheese and mac and cheese), and of course, for dessert, we ate delicious ice cream, which they also make there.



The cheese making
The cheese making

The cheese factory was fun, but we spent most of our time at the beach in front of our campground, Cape Lookout State Park. The beach was very wide and long. The giant waves tossed huge jellyfish and broken sand dollars up onto the sand. We played Kadima and Frisbee, and Little Kid had fun digging and pouring sand. I also had fun throwing my boomerang.

Kelp jump roping
Kelp jump roping






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