High Desert

Mt. Jefferson, as seen from the campground
Mt. Jefferson, as seen from the campground

With the relentless wind, a rainy forecast and a desire to explore places we have never been, we left the coast and headed east. After the drive from hell (those darn kids) we arrived at lovely Crooked River Campground at Cove Palisades State Park on Lake Billy Chinook, about an hour north of Bend, Oregon. Lake Billy Chinook is a reservoir, with three rivers flowing into it.

We spent our days at the lake either playing at the beach or out canoeing. Our favorite paddle was up the Deschutes River, where we canoed far enough to see the canyon walls narrow and the water turn from green lake water to clear river water. We went as far upstream as we could, until the opposing current was too strong to paddle against. We found a beautiful spot to pull up on shore and enjoy a picnic lunch. Becca even braved the icy temps for a short swim in the river.

paddling at the lake
paddling at the lake
silliness at the lake
silliness at the lake
it's a hard life .....
it’s a hard life …..
beautiful days on the lake ...
beautiful days on the lake …
paddling upstream ...
paddling upstream …
happy camper
happy camper

We also spent some time hanging around camp, where the kids had fun playing with the other young campers. Jay tried out skateboarding and Becca had a go on a Ripstick. There was also lots of bike riding, tree climbing, frisbee tossing and running around.

frisbee rescue
frisbee rescue

But, without a doubt, if you ask the kids, the highlight was our last day when we rented a ski boat! For four hours we zoomed around the lake and the kids had a great, crazy time being towed in a tube behind the boat!

we feel the need ... the need for speed ...
we feel the need … the need for speed …
happy girl!
happy girl!
everyone got a chance to drive ...
everyone got a chance to drive …
the floating bathroom was a big hit ...
the floating bathroom was a big hit …
crazy solo tubing ...
crazy solo tubing …
crazy tubing for two!
crazy tubing for two!

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