Preparing for the Big Trip

For the last month we have been very busy with getting ready for our trip. We have been  sorting everything.(deciding whether to give it to away, bring it on our trip, or  put it in our shed for after our trip.) I finally  finished sorting my room,so now I sleep on a mattress on the ground in an empty room.  Now I only have to sort and pack my bunny’s stuff. With my bunny, I have to bag up a bale of  hay, his food, and his litter. (My bunny is litter box trained.)We’re almost done packing!



One thought on “Preparing for the Big Trip

  1. Hi Becca,
    I can hardly believe in less than a week you will all be “on the road.” That was quite a picture of your almost vacant room. I remember seeing it chock full of stuff, stuff, stuff.
    You did an amazing job of clearing it out.
    I can’t wait to read the blog. Write as often as you can.
    Love and kisses,

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