British Columbia

Love, love, love BC ….the people, the scenery, the politics …. if it weren’t so dang cold here, I would think seriously about living here!!



3 thoughts on “British Columbia

  1. Maybe anything would same dang cold compared to Arid-zona, but keep in mind also that you are in NORTHERN BC. I understand that people play golf in January in Victoria. As for the politics, I suppose anything would be an improvement over Arizona as well.

    BC has an unusual political history, dominated by the Socreds since the middle of the past century, which eventually evolved (devolved?) into the Western Canada version of the ‘baggers of recent times. Every once in a while the NDP, the only other significant party at the time, won. But the Socreds pretty much disappeared from the scene following an early 1990s scandal. The NDP governed for most of the 1990s, but the leader at the time, Mike Harcourt, stepped down following a minor scandal. Harcourt’s integrity was impeccable and he had nothing to do with the scandal, but chose to take political responsibility for it and resigned as party leader, and the two leaders who followed were not as popular or successful as Harcourt had been. (Back when he was Mayor of Vancouver, and I was at Minnesota, I saw him speak as part of a series of “Mayor’s Forum” lectures organised by the Mayor of Saint-Paul, featuring mayors who he considered to be particularly innovative, and Harcourt struck me as being incredibly bright. The other mayor of prominence I saw in that lecture series was Bernie Sanders when he was Mayor of Burlington.) In that time, the BC Liberals came back from decades of nonexistence during the Socred years and have formed the government since winning in 2001, although the NDP has come close a couple of times. Keep in mind that the BC Liberals are basically the equivalent of what the US Republicans used to be.

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