
Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Site

We drove to Haines to take the ferry to Juneau. While we were in Haines we played at this amazing playground where there was a cool tunnel made of car tires, an amazing swing and lots of fun things to climb and play on.

After picking our campsite at Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Site we went on a bear hunt. We saw people with gigantic camera lenses and then we saw a grizzly and her two cubs catching salmon along the banks of the river. As the bears moved down the river we moved with them all the way to the bridge. Then a scary thing happened! The bears came up on the bridge and everybody quickly backed away. When the bears were off of the bridge we all came back onto the bridge and watched them move upstream.

There must be bears nearby!
Mama bear
Mama & cubs
When the bear climbs up on the bridge it’s time to leave
Not in frame: dozens of people with big lenses backing away
Patiently waiting for the humans to get out of the way

The next day we hiked the Battery Point Trail. There were lots of cool mushrooms that looked alien like. There were big puffy mushrooms that looked like pillows, big red and white mushrooms, and creepy finger like mushrooms. We also saw a beautiful beach and a cool rainforest.

Battery Point Trail

It was fun staying in Haines but now we are moving on to a new island. New island, new adventures.

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