3 thoughts on “wow II

  1. WOW! WOW! WOW!!! Beautiful photographs! Am so impressed! Billy and I are totally enjoying the blog…thanks for doing!!! Miss you guys! Know you are having the trip of a lifetime! Lots of love and hugs and wishes for dry weather!!!!!

  2. Yea! (Or is that “Yay!”? The “correct” spelling of that exclamation has never been clear to me.) Photos! Very nice.

    I’m off to Tucson this weekend. While using my netbook at the pub for dinner, between work and a board meeting yesterday, I noticed on the desktop weather app that displays a summary for all family locations, both of the other two locations had 35C, while I had a chilly 25C… but I’m betting that the Texas 35 was a lot more humid than the Arizona 35. I hope your next stop is less flood prone.

    And remember, pictures, lots of pictures. 🙂

    Have fun!

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