Sea Lions, Salmon, and stranded

Two days ago on our last day in Seward, we went to the Alaska Sea Life Center.  We got to see the Steller Sea lion being fed.  It did lots of tricks like jumping out of the water, climbing up on rocks, and lying down. The keeper had really good aim when throwing fish and the sea lion was really good catching fish.   I learned that male full grown Steller sea lions can weigh from 990-2470 pounds, with the average being 1199 pounds. They are 9.3-10.7 feet long with the average being 9.8 feet long.  We also saw an octopus, salmon, puffins, live barnacles, seals, and many other things.  Then we got to touch some sea stars, sea urchins, hermit crabs, and anemones.  One anemone grabbed me when I touched it. It was cool!

Yesterday we drove from Seward to Homer.  On the way, we stopped to see the dip netting.  Dip netting is where people catch salmon with big nets and long poles.  You are only allowed to dip net if you have lived in Alaska for at least a year.   There were so many people it was crazy.  The people were chest deep in the water with their nets.  The gross part was that the beach was covered with fish heads.

This morning we explored the tide pools at the beach.  I found a bunch of little hermit crabs.  Little Kid and I went on a little spit to see some jelly fish.  A minute later we realized we were stranded because of the rising tide.  We had to wade back.  We had fun even though we got very wet.

The Steller sea lion
The Steller sea lion
The dip netting
The dip netting

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