Happy in Homer

Spent a fun and happy week in Homer, on the Kenai Peninsula. Homer, a town of 5000, is an interesting mix of hippies and artists, who describe Homer as being the “conscience of Alaska”, and fisherman, who routinely catch Halibut up to 200 pounds.

We camped on the Spit, a 4.5 mile sand bar, with a two lane road, a walking path, beaches to the east and west, and the usual tourist trappings of gift shops and galleries, boat charters and bars. The area has enormous tides, of twenty feet +, which means great tide pools to explore!

Other than beach combing, we went on some nice walks, visited the local playground, roamed around town, ate icecream, and relaxed. Went on one hike down a road of sorts (very, very steep and very,very rough) and then alongside the beach to a community of Old Believers (a sect that split from the Russian Orthodox Church in the 1600s).

And, of course, there was the requisite backdrop of breathtaking snow capped mountains and fantastic glaciers.







One thought on “Happy in Homer

  1. I am loving reading your blog and keeping up with your many adventures. The photos are awesome! Your Alaska trip brings back very special memories of when Daddy and I
    visited Alaska. But somehow our experiences (and accomodations) were a tad different from yours! I know you are excited about going to Denali; the best is yet to come!
    Love and kisses to all,

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