Can You Canoe in the Bayou?

We had a great time in the bayou, a low area with swamps, lakes, and  waterways. There was a lot of spanish moss, strange roots, and fun vines.  One of the great things about the area was that there were tons of armadillos at night. You would hear them rustling in the leaves long before you saw them.

During our time at Lake Fausse Point State Park, LA, we decided to rent a canoe for the day. When we got to the canoe, I became a paddler, Ma paddled and steered, and Pa kept Little Kid safely in the boat. Soon after we got out on the water, we encountered a huge patch of floating water plants. I pushed plants out of the way, and Ma paddled. It was very hard.


uh oh - plants!!!!
uh oh – plants!!!!

After that, we paddled with ease for awhile.  We saw some herons,turtles, and beautiful scenery.  At one point, our canoe trail went into another patch of floating plants that we couldn’t see the end of. Since we didn’t want to push through it, Pa found a detour route through Lake Fausse. When we got back on the canoe trail, we found a canoe campsite, that we decided to have lunch at.   We had a great picnic lunch between the slough we were in and the lake, on an island that looked like a rain forest, with wild vines.

picnic at the dock
picnic at the dock
vine swinging!!!!!!!
vine swinging!!!!!!!

After lunch and a little swinging on vines, we got back in the canoe, with Pa and I paddling.  In the campground, there was a dock behind every campsite.  Since Little Kid was tired and was saying “get up and walk!”,and we had a lot of stuff to carry back to the RV, the boys got off at the dock behind our site, and Ma and I paddled the last section of the canoe trail to return the canoe. The next morning, my arms were very sore from paddling.

lots of paddling, lots of soreness
lots of paddling, lots of soreness
 our dock behind the campsite
our dock behind the campsite

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