3 … 2 … 1 … no blastoff

We got up at four this morning to make the ninety mile drive to Cape Canaveral to watch the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, headed to the International Space Station.

We were able to see the rocket standing in the distance and all was looking good for take off …. clear skies, systems ready. It was so exciting … I literally had goosebumps.

And then, at T – 01:22 (one minute, twenty-two seconds before blastoff) the launch was aborted. Apparently there was a problem with the second stage thrust vector control actuator (huh?).

We will continue to monitor the launch schedule and try to see a launch before we leave the Space Coast ….

2 thoughts on “3 … 2 … 1 … no blastoff

  1. I just finished reading the last 6 weeks of your blog and it sure sounds like you are having a fabulous time! Becca, you are getting to be a wonderful writing and it seems like you are quite accomplished at many things.

    I also loved all the pictures!

    I am in Israel where right now they are expecting a monster snow storm (worse than last year when we were snowed in for 3 days). Today they even cancelled school and did not allow any traffic in the city in anticipation of roads become clogged and important vehicles not being able to get through. Last year that is exactly what happened because people in other cities had never seen snow and got stuck on the highways leaden got Jerusalem. Right now there is hail and thunder and high winds – but not a lot of snow.

    Keep having a wonderful time. I love your blog!

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